Our Services

We are committed to helping our clients succeed.

Here are some of the services we offer:

Construction Disputes

Where disputes arise costing the parties penalties for delay and additional costs, Where the dispute is time sensitive and deadlines need to be met, Where there is a risk of losing a valued business relationship and business partner it is advisable to urgently and immediately mediate the issue.

This permits the parties quickly and efficiently to come to the crux of the matter, decide if and how it can be solved and either agree on how to work together OR delink from this relationship and make alternative arrangements.

Family Inheritance & Living Will

Families are broken up during struggles for inheritance and while many people put it down to greed and selfishness, the real source of the conflict may be the changing dynamics of the family after the death of a father or mother.

Families need to realign with each other and adding the struggle for property is just additional salt to a wound not yet healed by grieving. Mediation can help here by de-escalating the tensions, coming up with, firstly temporary arrangements and later permanent solutions.

Traditionally amongst the Kalenjin, parents would at a later stage in life bring the families together and tell the children or beneficiaries that their intention was to settle each child with this or that property.

They were then asked to say their piece if they felt that it was unfair or they felt they deserved more and if not they would respect the parents decision after they were not there. This is a much more ‘civilised’ way of conducting you affairs and in the long run more conducive to family harmony as everybody knows what they will be entitled to claim.

Mediation can arrange such a meeting and ensure it is conducted in a fair and equitable manner with the end result being an agrreement that can be codified by an approriate legally appointed Advocate!

Divorce, Maintenance and Custody Arrangements

The people who are most hurt by a divorce are not the couple being torn apart, not to denigrate their experience, but the children who may feel that life as they know it is falling apart.

Mediation has proved successful in preventing the experience being traumatic for the family by addressing the divorce/separation is three steps. First, what are the living, custody, financial arrangements that need to be in place immediately?

Secondly, what is the best division of assets for the parents and maybe in Trust for the children?

Finally, what is the most appropriate way of processing the divorce legally? How you handle these issues can determine whether your children view the separation as a way of making everyone happier or scar them emotionally for life?

Commercial Disputes

Mediation serves commercial activities by introducing speed, certainty, control, cost effectiveness and implementable and enforceable contracts to disputes.

The parties are able to discuss the situation without admitting liability in a confidential manner and in most scenarios configure an amicable, constructive solution leading to continued business dealings.

Criminal Proceedings

Mediation can act as a facilitative process between making amends or compensation to the victim of a criminal case and arranging a plea agreement with the prosecution!

While being sensitive to the emotional content of the matter and the restrictions in place regarding to plea arrangements under the Criminal Procedure Code. Each matter is different and careful deliberation has to be taken for each case!

“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”

Abraham Maslow said in 1966